Wisdom, the Shepherd of our Souls

The book of Proverbs is a book about wisdom, how to live successfully, both physically and spiritually in the world. Proverbs illuminates two paths, a right and wrong path. The book contains instructions from a father to a son on how to discern or choose the right path. Choosing rightly is called wisdom, and upfront Proverbs is clear, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Proverbs 1:7).

Proverbs 10:21 struck me today, it says, “The lips of the righteous, they feed many. But fools, in their lacking sense, they die.”

First, lips could be best understood in this context as teaching because lips in and of themselves do nothing. Rather, it is what proceeds from the lips that give or take life. So, its the meaning of our words (our teachings), which have the power to feed many or cause death. This echoes Proverbs 18:21, “life and death are in the power of the tongue.”

Next, the Hebrew word for feed is really interesting in this context. Feed comes from the same Hebrew lexeme as shepherd. Meaning, the words (or teaching) of the righteous person feeds or shepherds many. This becomes even more interesting when we consider the role of a shepherd. Having spent any time observing shepherds you will find that primarily shepherds have two roles: (1) shepherds guide to life and (2) shepherds protect from danger.

First, shepherds guide to life. Sheep are dumb, right? Sheep are totally dependent upon a shepherd’s guidance to green pastures for food and nourishment. Therefore, the role of the shepherd is to direct the sheep into paths of life.

Second, shepherds guard against danger. Again, sheep are dumb, right!? Sheep are totally dependent upon the shepherd’s protection from wolves or other treacherous paths, such as cliffs. Therefore, the role of the shepherd is to protect the sheep from danger.

Now, with this understanding, let’s go back to our verse, the lips of the righteous they feed many,” or, “the teaching of the righteous, they shepherd many!” Wow! Now this brings new perspective!

Like a shepherd, Proverb’s wisdom guides us into paths of life, while also guarding us against paths of danger. This verse informs us, those who chose the right path will shepherd or give life to others. But, this verse also warns us, those who are not guided by wisdom, die!

The last part of this verse says, “But fools, lacking in sense, they die.” How about that for motivation? Who wants to die!? I don’t want to die, I want to live! Well, for 31 chapters, Proverbs screams about two distinct paths, one leading to life, the other to death. But again, the key to understanding this book and true wisdom is only found in the introduction, which tells us, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!” The “fear of the Lord” therefore, is the secret to living a successful life, both in this world and the world to come!

But, what exactly is the “fear of the Lord?”

Well, a more detailed description may come later, but for now, suffice it to say….

The fear of the Lord is to know or rather be known by Wisdom personified, the great Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ the Righteous. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. If you have questions about entering into a personal relationship with Jesus leading to both the good life now and for eternity, please let me know.

Lord bless! Happy Passover and Easter!