Abide in the Vine

John 15:5

It just so happened, this past Monday night, I chose to put a metal blade on my weed eater and test it to see if it would cut down some unwanted vines next to my yard.

Today, I was totally amazed, as I saw those branches that were cut down in less than 48 hours dry-up and wither. These branches were not connected to the root and therefore they could not sustain themselves. Being cut off from their life source, they were no longer useful for their intended purpose. Now, they must be carried to the fire pit and burned. These other branches however, are still green, full of life, and reproducing.

Of course, when I saw this, my mind immediately raced to John 15:5, the famous passage about abiding in the vine. 

John 15:5 (5) I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

(5) Jesus says, “I am the vine.” In other words, I am the root. I am the life source. And, he says, “We are the branches.” True Christians are connected to the root, Jesus is our life source. 

Jesus says, “whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit.” 

But, what does it mean to abide in Him? It means to stay connected to the root or life source. In another words, to remain or to continue following Christ.

But again, practically speaking, how do we do this?

·      Some basics is to have a regular bible study and prayer plan. And, if you’re not already doing this and you need help getting started, check out the Bible reading app: https://www.youversion.com/the-bible-app/

·      If you already have a regular bible study and prayer, but want more: you might implement the 4 S’s or disciplines that I spoke about in previous videos: Simplicity, Silence, Solitude, and Surrender. The first three with the aim to hear from God, the last to obey. https://www.journeywithjustin.org/blog/intimacy-with-the-almighty-part-4-surrender

·      Or, maybe memorizing Scripture is the next step for you. Here is a proven strategy that works. https://www.journeywithjustin.org/discipleship-resources

·      Or lastly, maybe want a book recommendation to supplement your Bible study. Under “Don’t Waste Your Quarantine” are book recommendations.  https://www.journeywithjustin.org/discipleship-resources

These are just a few spiritual disciplines that will help you to abide in Christ and bear much fruit.

 Jesus goes onto say at the end of this verse, “for apart from Him you can do nothing.”

Nothing? Now wait, can we really do nothing apart from Christ? Certainly, I can cook dinner, wash my clothes, drive to the store, and buy groceries all without Christ. I can even become highly successful, gain influence, and make bunches of money in this world ALL without Christ. So, this can’t be true, I can do many things without Christ.

But, this is not what Jesus is saying here. Here, Jesus is saying, apart from me you can do nothing of spiritual significance, of eternal worth. Work that remains is work only done in unison with Christ.


So, as we contemplate what it means to be a disciple and bear much fruit. Take some time to read John 15 in context. John 15 is set in the middle of the farewell discourse, John 13-18, the night before Jesus’ betrayal, Jesus is about to go away. John 15 is sandwiched between chapters 14 and 16, which teach specifically about the role and work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer.

I hope you’ll take some time for Jesus. Praying for you as you pray for me. Lord bless!